Our Senior nets have been booked and will be held in the brand-new sports centre at Kingham Hill School.
They will run on Sunday afternoons throughout February and March, starting on Sunday 4th February.
If any new, potential members would like to join us, please contact Rob Langley at [email protected].
Dates of BVCC Senior Nets
Sunday 4th February: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 11th February: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 18th February: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 25th February: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 3rd March: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 10th March: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 17th March: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 24th March: 1.30pm - 3pm
Sunday 31st March: 1.30pm - 3pm
The address for the school is: Sports Hall, Kingham, Chipping Norton OX7 6TH
We look forward to seeing lots of you there.